Your Mother Blessing

Honouring your journey into motherhood, holding space for you, and bringing in your village of wise women.


Mother Blessings are a rite of passage.

Your transition from maiden to mother begins the moment you decide to have a baby.

It’s such a momentous transition that it has a name - Matrescence.

But this rite of passage can become overshadowed by prenatal appointments, the search for the right pram, and then eventually by that beautiful little human you birth.

But where are YOU in all of this?

The focus on baby is understandable; they are very cute! And it’s natural that you are hyper focused on keeping baby safe and preparing your environment for the newborn.

But it’s time to remember, or perhaps learn, how to nourish and nurture our newborn mothers too.

And importantly how to honour her Matrescence.

Let’s start with a ritual - the Mother Blessing.

During a Mother Blessing we shower the mother with love, words of affirmation and delicious food.

We hold space for her excitement and her fears.

We remind her that she is surrounded by supportive women who will show up, physically and emotionally during the postpartum period.

So that the new mother can create the peaceful and joyful fourth trimester that she deserves ~ full of rest, nourishment, and love, equipped with the resources to thrive through the rough seas of parenthood.

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Use the form button below to send me a Mother Blessing enquiry

"Jasmine is a natural. She is intelligent and insightful, and guides you gently through her session with sensitivity and care."

❤︎ Rebekah

“Thank you for the beautiful experience and for being inclusive in celebrating our journey of two mums to be”

❤︎ Tahlia

Pregnant Woman adorned with Flower Crown at Mother Blessing Ceremony. The Bayside Doula facilitates Mother Blessings for pregnant women in Brisbane & Redlands. Bespoke Ceremonies for the village to honour motherhood and matrescence.


As a postpartum doula I support women from pregnancy through to 12 months postpartum.

When I’ve had the opportunity to connect with a mother and her community during pregnancy, it leads to fewer postpartum hurdles and a stronger community connection.

It lays the foundations for her village.

Pregnant Mother adorned with Flower Crown at Mother Blessing Ceremony. The Bayside Doula facilitates Mother Blessings for pregnant women in Brisbane & Redlands. Bespoke Ceremonies for the village to honour motherhood and matrescence.


Mothers who book a Mother Blessing aren’t just looking for a party. They’re looking for a ceremony that does justice to the magical and enormous transition that is already underway.

Mother blessings are for first time, second-time….even seventh-time mums! Every new phase of motherhood brings new challenges, new opportunities for growth, new emotions.

We’re here to honour all of it.

The Bayside Doula facilitates Mother Blessings for pregnant women in Brisbane & Redlands. Bespoke Ceremonies for the village to honour motherhood and matrescence.


When mothers are honoured, they are reminded of their value as human beings beyond just their ability to grow babies. They are honoured for who they were, are and are becoming.

Let your loved ones shower you with good vibes, hold space for you, and send you on a beautiful journey into motherhood.

You are worthy of being doted on.

What happens during a Mother Blessing with The Bayside Doula?

You and I can plan it together or I can plan with help from your close friends or family members. You can tell me what activities you would like or you can leave that up to me. Most mothers like to have a general idea of what will happen, but enjoy letting the details be a surprise.

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The ceremony may include:


Writing letters to the expectant mother

A fear cleansing ritual using water

Writing birth affirmations

Making a birthing necklace

Gifting and adorning the mother

Making a flower crown

Massaging the mother

Braiding the mother’s hair

Sharing positive birth stories

Sharing tea and snacks

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The Bayside Doula facilitates Mother Blessings for pregnant women in Brisbane & Redlands. Bespoke Ceremonies for all expectant women to honour motherhood and matrescence.

Every ceremony begins with my womens circle guidelines:

✿ We Speak from our hearts and from our own experiences.

✿ We welcome diverse points of view and will not tolerate racism, sexism, ageism, queer-phobia or any other form of discrimination.

✿ We listen with respect, compassion and curiosity, without judgment, fixing or advice-giving.

✿ We hold stories of personal material in confidentiality.

✿ We understand that Women’s circles are not group therapy and that we are each responsible for seeking our own professional support outside of circle if needed. I am available to assist in finding appropriate support.

✿ We are willing to discover and explore, noticing patterns, themes, and new questions.

Red Thread Ritual during Mother Blessing Ceremony. The Bayside Doula facilitates Mother Blessings for pregnant women in Brisbane & Redlands. Bespoke Ceremonies for the village to honour motherhood and matrescence.

How does the planning work?

We can plan together or I can keep everything a surprise.

You will have ample opportunity before the day to fill me in on any important information about you and your tribe of women, or what you are and are not comfortable with.

I have a deep desire to connect women with their spirituality/ inner goddess/ whatever you want to call it. Getting a little ‘woo woo’ is good for the soul. But you get to decide, if you want to, how deep we go.

“I wish I had booked in postpartum doula services while I was pregnant. Pre-planning for the fourth trimester, and having the extra support would have saved me from a lot of stress, tears, panicked Google rabbit holes and fights with my partner.”

❤︎ Hayley

Thinking of booking in-home postpartum support as well?

Your Mother Blessing is discounted to $300 when added to your Nest: Fourth Trimester Package.

About your Facilitator

Jasmine Meek is a qualified postpartum doula operating in Brisbane, Redlands and surrounds.

Jasmine Meek - The Bayside Doula offers support to pregnant women and mothers in Brisbane and Redlands. In-Person and Online content.

Hi, I’m Jasmine - The Bayside Doula,
I support women from pregnancy through to 12months postpartum. I provide education around postpartum and motherhood, facilitate women’s circles and mother blessings, and attend the homes of mothers to provide specialised postpartum support.

As a mother of two little ones and a student of psychology, I understand the important role ceremony and rites of passage play in our Matrescence journey. I don’t just strive to ease the burdens on mothers, I strive to make pregnancy and motherhood enjoyable, memorable, peaceful and meaningful.


❈ honour your pregnancy

❈ honour your matrescence

❈ surrender and be held

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • A birth doula spends more time with a client during the prenatal period and focuses on planning for the birth. A Birth Doula also attends the birth as a support person. A postpartum doula is someone who focuses on preparation for, and support during the time after birth. A Postpartum Doula tends to the informational, emotional, and physical needs of the newly postpartum parent and family.

  • Click on the links above to send me a direct email. If that doesn’t work, you can call or text me on 0435329717. First we’ll check available dates and locations, then I’ll send an invoice, then we start planning.

  • We adhere to government regulations in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. If masks are mandated in public places we will wear a mask during the workshop. We will also wear a mask if we are unwell on the day of the workshop. If you are unwell, we advise you to follow regulations and wear a mask.

  • Unfortunately, I’m not able to offer refunds for events that are cancelled within 2 weeks of the booked date. I can offer another date and additional fees may be requested to cover any loss of food that cannot be returned.

  • Of course! With each new addition to the family, there is new growth, evolution, challenges and emotions. We are here for it all.

  • I earned my Postpartum Professional and Breastfeeding Professional certificates through Newborn Mothers Collective. I also hold a certificate of Postnatal Massage from Pregnancy Massage Australia. My background is in psychology, however I am not a registered psychologist. I have an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of QLD and intend to specialise my postgraduate studies in Perinatal Psychology. I have Baby and Child 1st Aid and CPR training through CPR kids.

  • Well there’s no such thing as a little bit pregnant! 😆 You can have a Mother Blessing if you are a woman expecting a baby - to me, that could mean you are currently trying to conceive, in your 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester, your surrogate is pregnant, or you are waiting to adopt. Just know that my my Mother Blessing content is currently tailored mostly towards pregnant women in their third trimester. If your situation is different to this please let me know so I can tailor my content more for you.

  • If I am too sick to facilitate your mother blessing, a full refund will be offered, or a postponement, or I may be able to find a back-up facilitator. If I am sick but can still facilitate, I will offer to mask up and do a swab test prior.

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Are you pregnant or postpartum, living in Brisbane? Join my private facebook group where I share helpful tips, webinars, and offers. Plus join a community of women who value motherhood and care for mothers.