Men are from Mars and other myths that keep mothers depressed, depleted and burnt out.
Have you heard that women have a natural ‘maternal instinct’? It’s a widely held belief that seems true. But let’s set the record straight—caring for children isn’t some magical, inborn skill. It’s learned. And guess what? Men can learn it too.

Mothers’ needs are babies’ needs are children’s needs are mother’s needs.
Amidst these major shifts, there were countless whispers, “I need a break from being a mum for a minute.” Yet, I also vividly recall the opposite feelings from the early days - watching people hold my newborns while feeling a visceral ache for them to be returned to me.

Reasons to Hire a Postpartum Doula
The fourth trimester is a crucial period for new mothers, and while the practical support of a postpartum doula is invaluable, there are additional reasons to consider hiring one. In this blog post, we explore three compelling reasons to hire a postpartum doula that extend beyond the immediate help she provides, showcasing how this choice can transform your experience and contribute to a broader cultural shift.